Mixed Hodge Structures SS23

Informationen zur Arbeitsgemeinschaft

Dozentin: Prof. Dr. Annette Huber-Klawitter

Ort: SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1

Zeit: Di 10-12 SS 2023

BBB: Hodge

Program: (pdf)

Mailing-List: hodge23@math.uni-freiburg.de

The cohomology of a an algebraic variety over C carries a "mixed Hodge structure" and all natural map between these cohomology groups are compatible with this mixed Hodge structure. This is arguably the most important tool we have in the study of algebraic varieties in characteristic 0. Envisioned by Grothendieck, the theory was developed by Deligne in the 1970s. Generalisations to families and even a full 6 functor formalsim came later.

In this Arbeitsgemeinschaft, we will go through the basics of the theory. It will have the format of a seminar following the program. It is aimed at graduate students, but undergraduates are welcome and can get credit (as a seminar, if they give a talk; as a 2hours lecture without excercises if not).


  • Scan of the notes of Talk 1 (Käler geometry) (pdf)

We are planning to stream talks via the BBB-room given above.

Please register your interest by sending an email to Annette Huber. The mailing list hodge23@math.uni-freiburg.de will be used for communication. 28.3.23