
Liegrits Training Workshop on

Geometric Lie Theory

24.10.2004 - 30.10.2004

Waldhotel Zollernblick, Lauterbad

Series of lectures by
Michel Brion:
Moduli spaces for algebraic varieties with reductive group actions

Markus Reineke:
Quiver moduli, cohomology, and quantum groups

Raphaƫl Rouquier:
Representations of (degenerate) double affine Hecke algebras

One-hour lectures by M. Varagnolo, C. Stroppel (Categorifications of finite dimensional U_q(sl_2)-representations), N. Reshetikhin and other participants.

Preliminary schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9h30-10h30 Brion Rouquier Brion Brion Rouquier
11h - 12h Reineke Reineke Rouquier Reineke Baur
15h Keller
16h -17h Varagnolo Stroppel Reshetikhin

It is also planned to have in the early afternoon an extra hour organized by the speakers of the morning session to discuss the subject of the morning session, answer questions, provide examples / applications, pose problems, ...

Organizational details

Reservation: By email to
Price: 56 Euro per person per day in single room, 49 Euro in double room, all included;
Arrival: The 24.10.2004 if possible no later than 19:00;
Departure: The 30.10.2004.
Organizers: Peter Littelmann and Wolfgang Soergel.
Email: and