Nonlinear Partial differential equations are of fundamental
importance both in physics and in geometry. Many physical phenomena from fluid dynamics, particle and
continuum mechanics are modelled by partial differential equations (PDE), and the nonlinearities are
essential for a realistic description. Likewise, in the geometric calculus of variations and in
the theory of evolving surfaces and interfaces, most interesting phenomena such as singularities are
linked to the nonlinear structure of the equations. The goal of our work is to find and develop analytical
and numerical tools to solve the equations. The analysis shall yield an improved understanding of the
nonlinear mechanisms and is thereby useful to validate and potentially refine the underlying physical
models. Moreover, the tools for solving the equations, in particular the numerical tools, are rather
general and have future relevance for other applied problems.
Contact address |
Prof. Dr. Ernst Kuwert
Mathematisches Institut
Eckerstr. 1
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel. +49 761 203-5585
Fax +49 761 203-5541
ernst.kuwert at math.uni-freiburg.de