DEF-CFT Seminar January 2018

Darmstadt-Erlangen-Freiburg Seminar
Conformal Field theory


Friday, January 19, 2018
Institut für Mathematik
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Scientific Organizers:

Peter Fiebig (Erlangen), Nils Scheithauer (Darmstadt), Katrin Wendland (Freiburg)


14:00 Christof Geiß
(UNAM, Mexico City)
Crystal graphs and semicanonical functions for symmetrizable Cartan matrices
15:15 Coffee break transparent in transparent Room 331 (third floor, Eckerstrasse 1)
15:45 Daniel Persson
(Chalmers University, Gothenburg)
BPS-states and automorphic representations of exceptional groups
17:00 Yi-Zhi Huang (Rutgers) Twisted intertwining operators and nonabelian orbifold theories

All talks will take place in the afternoon of Friday, January 19, 2018, in
room 404 of the Mathematics Institute (Eckerstrasse 1, fourth floor);
the coffee break will take place in
room 331 of the Mathematics Institute, Freiburg University (Eckerstrasse 1, third floor).

There is no registration fee.
If you wish to attend, we ask you to contact Ms. Sabine Keim at transparent,
so we can estimate the number of participants.

Mailing List:

We have installed a DEF-CFT mailing list CFT@mathematik.tu... for the seminar. To subscribe, please follow this link.
(Alternatively, you can also send an email to CFT@mathematik.tu... and you will be added to the list manually.)