Guyan Robertson (Newcastle):

C*-algebras associated with boundary actions on buildings
and their K-theory

Let X be a finite connected graph. The fundamental group Γ of X is a free group and acts on the universal covering tree Δ and on its boundary ∂Δ. This boundary action may be studied by means of the crossed product C*-algebra C(∂Δ)Γ. The structure of this algebra can be explicitly determined. It is a Cuntz-Krieger algebra.

Similar algebras may be defined for boundary actions on affine buildings of dimension ≥2. These algebras have a structure analogous to that of a simple Cuntz-Krieger algebra and this is the motivation for a theory of higher rank Cuntz-Krieger algebras, which has been developed by T. Steger and G. Robertson. The K-theory of these algebras can be computed explicitly in some cases. Moreover, the class [1] of the identity element in K0 always has torsion.

This talk will outline some of the geometry and algebra involved.
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