MA243 - Geometry

Lecturer: Dr. K. Wendland
Office: B1.34
Dr. K. Wendland


A 12 Cat List A Module including a diversity of topics, such as the rules of geometric life and self-consistency of the non-euclidean world, symmetries of bodies, both Euclidean and otherwise, tiltings of Escher, the regular solids, and the geometric rules of perspective in photography and art. A fuller descriptions can be found in Plan Your Degree Course (PYDC). A detailed plan of the course will be included in the module material below.  

There are no prerequisites for this module, but a good understanding of MA127 3-D Geometry and Motion, MA106 Linear Algebra and MA130 From Geometry to Groups will be helpful. 

Leads to: MA3D9 Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, MA4E0 Lie Groups and MA473 Reflection Groups. 

Lectures and Support

Lectures are on
     Mondays 2:00-3:00 (L4), Tuesdays 4:00-5:00 (GLT3) and Fridays 2:00-3:00 (L4),
starting Tuesday, 30/9/2003.
We are running one (or two identical) exercise classes a week on
     Tuesdays 12:00-1:00 (MI123) and/or Wednesdays 11:00-12:00 (S0.18),
starting Tuesday, 7/10/2003. The Teaching Assistant is James Smith.

Module Material (2002/2003)

Additional Material