Week 7
Earth-like metric geometry: Spherical geometry

During the next three weeks, we will study non-Euclidean geometries, where all but one of Euclid's postulates are valid: We discard the parallel axiom. This week's topic, spherical geometry, can easily be motivated by the fact that our home planet is (almost) spherical.
Similarly to the discussion of plane geometry, I start by fixing the notions of spherical distance and lines, as well as angles.
Next, we will study spherical trigonometry - investigate the properties of spherical triangles and find that in spherical trigonometry, too, collinearity in fact is a metric property.
Finally, we will study spherical motions. Similarly to the Euclidean case, our discussion will gradually lead from an (almost) Euclidean point of view to a Kleinian one.

Helpful literature:
Only topics covered in the lectures and exercises will be asked in the exam.
The list of helpful literature is meant as an aid, also to raise further interest, but not as an obligation.