Week 8
Space-like metric geometry: Hyperbolic geometry

This week, we turn to the second standard example of non-Euclidean geometry, namely to hyperbolic geometry. It will not be a topic of this module, but one can motivate our model of hyperbolic geometry by observing that it naturally occurs in the underlying geometry of general relativity, namely as a sphere with time-like radius.
Similarly to the discussion of plane and spherical geometry, I start by fixing the notions of hyperbolic distance and lines, and by showing that in hyperbolic geometry, collinearity is a metric property.
Next, we will study hyperbolic angles and hyperbolic trigonometry as well as hyperbolic motions.
Finally, investigating the angular defect and ideal triangles in hyperbolic geometry, we will find some genuine differences between hyperbolic geometry and the other geometries this module has covered so far.

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