3. FHST Meeting on Geometry and Analysis
Freiburg - Heidelberg - Stuttgart - Tübingen


July 3, 2020, virtual meeting hosted in Tübingen


Melanie Graf (University of Washington, Seattle)
Klaus Kröncke (Tübingen/Hamburg)
Birgit Schörkhuber (Karlsruhe)
A poster for announcement can be found here.

This will be an online meeting...

Due to Covid-19 and the resulting restrictions in travel and meetings, the 3. FHST meeting will take place online. More information will follow - see also the registration below.


14:00 - 15:00   Birgit Schörkhuber: Stable self-similar blowup for the Yang-Mills heat flow
15:15 - 16:15   Klaus Kröncke: L^p-stability and positive scalar curvature rigidity of Ricci-flat ALE manifolds
16:15 - 17:00   Online Coffee-Break
17:00 - 18:00   Melanie Graf: Singularity theorems for C^1-Lorentzian metrics


If you will attend the meeting, please send an email to Angelika Spörer-Schmidle. Then you will get further information.

Former meetings:

Organized by

Carla Cederbaum, Anda Degeratu, Nadine Große and Jan Swoboda.

Funded by

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