Section 2
The free fermion (Ising) model
I introduce the Ising model as a first example of a conformal field theory (CFT),
though we are not yet in a position to discuss all defining properties of CFTs.
However, we can already make sense out of the representation theory of the
Virasoro algebra at central charge c=1/2, and this allows us to understand
some important aspects of the Ising model. I use it to introduce the notions
of Fock space representations, unitary and lowest weight representations of
the Virasoro algebra. The discussion of unitarity naturally leads to a first
mention of minimal models, and the Ising model is the simplest non-trivial
minimal model. All minimal models are conjectured to describe actual physical
systems, namely phase transitions of second order, and I allow myself a short
digression to motivate these ideas.
I also write out the modular invariant partition function of the
Ising model, again to introduce more general notions like the Jacobi
theta functions,
Poisson resummation and modular transformations.