Section 5
Defining conformal field theories
This section finally contains the definition of CFTs: We only need to
put together the basic structures introduced so far. I discuss notions like
equivalences of CFTs and
Ward identities. Though full proofs would exceed the scope of this lecture
course by far, I briefly explain how our two basic examples, the Ising
model and the model of a free boson compactified on a circle, give
full well-defined CFTs. I also give a (necessarily brief)
account of axiomatic approaches to
quantum field theories, explaining how CFTs, according to our definition,
are "limits" of special
quantum field theories. Finally I compare our definition
to other similar approaches to CFT, like the works of
Moore/Seiberg, Segal, Friedan/Shenker, Gaberdiel/Goddard, Kac, and others.