Workshop on Algebraic and Topological Aspects of D-branes

UoW-logoUniversität Würzburg / Universität Augsburg /UoA_logo

Workshop on Algebraic and Topological Aspects of D-branes

December 17th -18th 2009, University of Würzburg


Jürgen Appell and Carsten Honerkamp (Universität Würzburg)

Katrin Wendland (Universität Augsburg)

Invited speakers


Nils Carqueville (LMU München)
David E. Evans (Cardiff)
Terry Gannon (University of Alberta)
Manfred Herbst (Augsburg)
Ingo Runkel (University of Hamburg)
Emanuel Scheidegger (Augsburg)
Christoph Schweigert (University of Hamburg)
Gérard Watts (King's College London)
Katrin Wendland (Augsburg)
* To be confirmed

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design by Anna Young