Noncommutative Algebra Seminar, WiSe 2024

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Annette Huber-Klawitter
Office hour: n.V.
Location Fri 8-10, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Assistant: Xier Ren
Assistant office hour: n.V.
Email address:

Important information:

  • Preliminary meeting: 11:00-13:00, SR 318, 15.07.2024.
  • Pre-registration with Mrs. Frei, room 421, or by e-mail to ludmilla.frei.


The program can be found here.

Talks 1-2 and 10-13 are still available. Contact the instructor or the assistent if you are interested.


Folgende Literatur wird empfohlen:

  • F.Anderson, K.Fuller. Rings and Categories of Modules, GTM 13, Springer, 1992.
  • R.Schiffler. Quiver Representations, CMS Books in Mathematics, Springer, 2014.
  • A.Kirillov Jr.. Quiver Representations, GSM 174, AMS, 2016.
  • I.N.Bernstein, I.M.Gelfand, V.A.Ponomarev. Coxeter Functors and Gabriel'S Theorem, Russian Mathematics Surveys 28(2), London Mathematical Society, 1973.