Distinguishes Lecture Series

Physical Knots

Prof. Dr. Louis Kauffman

(University of Illinois at Chicago, homepage, wikipedia)

June 6th, June 7th, June 8th
HS Virologie in Herman Herder Str. 11

This distinguished lecture series, given by celebrated knot theorist Louis Kauffman from UIC, is a tour of visual ideas relating knots to situations in natural science. We will begin with knots and DNA and the production of knots in DNA recombination. Then we will show a movie of knotted vortices in water (courtesy of the work of William Irvine at the University of Chicago). Irvine and his group accomplished a feat that is the equivalent of blowing a knotted smoke ring! We discuss the possibility of knotted gluon fields in relation to the complexity of knots measured by rope length. We discuss the possibility of framed braids as a basis for elementary particles. And, time permitting, we discuss the pioneering work of Edward Witten on the nature of knot invariants. The lectures are self-contained, open and accessible to students and faculty of sciences.
No lower age limit required.

Links and References:

Louis H. Kauffman, Oct 2014
Foto: Ⓒ Gallusgallus/Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

Funded by


Simon Blatt - Philipp Reiter - Armin Schikorra