Dozent: Prof. Dr. S. Goette
Assistent: Dr. Misha Tëmkin
Seminar/Lesekurs: Di 14-16, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Vorbesprechung: Di 16.07, 16:00 Uhr, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Language: depending on the audience, this course might take place in English or German
The paper "The homotopy type of the cobordism category" [1] is about
a categorical version of the Pontryagin-Thom isomorphism.
With the techniques introduced there, it is possible to prove
the Mumford conjecture on the rational cohomology ring of the stable
moduli space of Riemann surfaces.
In the reading course, we want to understand the central result:
there is a weak homotopy equivalence
On the way, we will learn some useful concepts like simplicial sets and
their geometric realisations, classifying spaces for bundles of manifolds,
and Madsen-Tillmann spectra.
If there is time at the end,
we can have a glance at possible applications.
Programme: Here is the preliminary programme.
Literature: (not a complete list)
Die verbindlichen Anforderungen für die Studien- und/oder Prüfungsleistung finden Sie im Modulhandbuch, und später zur Info auch hier (ohne Gewáhr).