Monika Gilg
Eckerstraße 1, Raum 433
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel: (0761) 203-5546
Fax: (0761) 203-5541
The office is opened from 8am to noon.
To the Schedule of Events
of the Mathematical Institute
(this week /
next week)
Current lectures of the research group:
See the
Class Schedules
of the Mathematical Institute
To the
Faculty / Staff-List
of the Section of Pure Mathematics
Former members of the research group
Preprints of the Mathematical Institute
- ELAZ 02
Workshop "Elementary und analytic number theory" in Freiburg from 2002-04-08 to 2002-04-12:
- Recent publications of the scientists
- P. Bundschuh, R. Wallisser, Maße für lineare Unabhängigkeit von
Werten ganz transzendenter Lösungen gewisser Funktionalgleichungen II
- M. Peter, Dirichlet series and automorphic functions associated to a quadratic form
- M. Peter, The asymptotic distribution of elements in automatic sequences
- M. Peter, The Eta invariant of Berger spheres and hypergeometric identities
- J.-C. Puchta, J. Spilker, Altes und Neues zur Quersumme
- J. Spilker, The digits of Fibonacci numbers
- D. Wolke, On the twin prime problem
- D. Wolke, Explicit formulae for the n-th prime
Main page of the
Section of Pure Mathematics
Main page of the
Mathematical Institute
Simon Feiler