Wintersemester 2017/18: Seminar Geometrische Quantisierung

Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland
Dr. Santosh Kandel

Wann und wo: Di 14 - 16, SR 404, Eckerstr. 1

Vorbesprechung: Do 13.07.2017, 14:00, SR 403, Eckerstrasse 1.
Um teilzunehmen, kommen Sie bitte in die Vorbesprechung des Seminares; eine Teilnehmerliste wird nicht vorab ausliegen.

Classical physics does not predict the behaviour of atoms and molecules correctly. Indeed, classically, Coulomb's law implies that the electron of the hydrogen atom should orbit around the proton, and thus the electron continuously radiates energy and causes the hydrogen atom to collapse. This contradicts the observed stability of the hydrogen atom. One of the major triumphs of quantum mechanics is its explanation for the stability of atoms.
Mathematically, a classical mechanical system can be described by a so-called symplectic manifold M called the state space, and the observables are functions on M. A quantum mechanical system, on the other hand, is described by a Hilbert space, and the observables are "operators" on this Hilbert space. A process which roughly associates to a classical theory a quantum theory is called "quantization". Ideally, one would like to associate to each classical observable a quantum observable, but it is impossible to achieve this: there are no go theorems. In practice, one has to lower one's expectation so that a reasonable quantization process can be constructed.
The goal of this seminar is to study one particular method of quantization called geometric quantization. Position space quantization, momentum space quantization and holomorphic quantization are particular instances of geometric quantization. In geometric quantization, one constructs the Hilbert space from the square integrable sections of a so-called complex line bundle over M.
Within the seminar, we will motivate and introduce the mathematical notions that are needed for geometric quantization, starting from Newtonian mechanics. Background knowledge from physics is helpful but is not required.

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Vortragsprogamm: hier

Tutorium: Santosh Kandel