transparent transparent transparent
  WS 2010/2011
  SS 2010
  WS 2009/2010
  SS 2009
  WS 2008/2009
    Kompl. Geometrie
    VOA und Zhu
  SS 2008
  WS 2007/2008
  SS 2007
  WS 2006/2007

Augsburg/Regensburg Seminar: Vertex Algebren und Zhus Theorem

Titel: Gemeinsames Seminar Augsburg/Regensburg: "Vertex Operator Algebren und Zhus Theorem"
Dozent(in): Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland
Termin: Regensburg: 24.10., 19.12., 23.01., Augsburg: 14.11., 05.12., 09.01. , 06.02. Fr. 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Gebäude/Raum: Augsburg: L1 2004, Regensburg: M 103






24.10.08 Regensburg 14-18 Uhr

Definitions of VOAs and first examples

Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 1

Frederik Witt

14.11.08 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr

VOAs associated to Lie algebras

Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 2

Christophe Nozaradan

05.12.08 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr

OPEs and correlation functions

Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 3,

Axiomatic conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel, Peter Goddard),

An Introduction to conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel)

Oliver Gray

19.12.08 Regensburg 14:30-18:30 Uhr

Examples of VOAs (eg lattice VOAs, rational VOAs)

Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 5,

Axiomatic conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel, Peter Goddard),

An Introduction to conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel)

Nadine Große

09.01.09 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr

Virasoro- and conformal VOAs, OPE, Sugawara construction, coordinate invariance

Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 5

Uli Bunke

23.01.09 Regensburg 14:30-18:30 Uhr

Zhu's theorem

Modular Invariance of Characters of Vertex Operator Algebras (Yongchang Zhu)

Uli Bunke, Christian Blohmann

13.02.09 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr, diesmal im Rm 1009

Zhu's work from the physicists' point of view

Modular Invariance of Characters of Vertex Operator Algebras (Yongchang Zhu),

The associative algebras of conformal field theory (David Brungs, Werner Nahm)

Emanuel Scheidegger, Katrin Wendland

[Institut für Mathematik]   [Universität Augsburg]   [Math.-Nat. Fakultät]   [Impressum]