Augsburg/Regensburg Seminar: Vertex Algebren und Zhus Theorem
Titel: | Gemeinsames Seminar Augsburg/Regensburg: "Vertex Operator Algebren und Zhus Theorem" |
Dozent(in): | Prof. Dr. Katrin Wendland |
Termin: | Regensburg: 24.10., 19.12., 23.01., Augsburg: 14.11., 05.12., 09.01. , 06.02. Fr. 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr |
Gebäude/Raum: | Augsburg: L1 2004, Regensburg: M 103 |
Termin/Ort |
Titel |
Literatur |
Vortragender |
24.10.08 Regensburg 14-18 Uhr |
Definitions of VOAs and first examples |
Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 1 |
Frederik Witt |
14.11.08 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr |
VOAs associated to Lie algebras |
Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 2 |
Christophe Nozaradan |
05.12.08 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr |
OPEs and correlation functions
Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 3, Axiomatic conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel, Peter Goddard), An Introduction to conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel) |
Oliver Gray |
19.12.08 Regensburg 14:30-18:30 Uhr |
Examples of VOAs (eg lattice VOAs, rational VOAs) |
Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 5, Axiomatic conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel, Peter Goddard), An Introduction to conformal field theory (Matthias Gaberdiel) |
Nadine Große |
09.01.09 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr |
Virasoro- and conformal VOAs, OPE, Sugawara construction, coordinate invariance |
Frenkel/Ben-Zvi's book, chapter 5 |
Uli Bunke |
23.01.09 Regensburg 14:30-18:30 Uhr |
Zhu's theorem |
Modular Invariance of Characters of Vertex Operator Algebras (Yongchang Zhu) |
Uli Bunke, Christian Blohmann |
13.02.09 Augsburg 14-18 Uhr, diesmal im Rm 1009 |
Zhu's work from the physicists' point of view |
Modular Invariance of Characters of Vertex Operator Algebras (Yongchang Zhu), The associative algebras of conformal field theory (David Brungs, Werner Nahm) |
Emanuel Scheidegger, Katrin Wendland |