Maxwell Levine

About Me
I am currently a postdoc in set theory at the University of Freiburg. Here is my curriculum vitae.
The most up-to-date versions of the unpublished papers can be found as PDF attachments.
- "Good Scales and Non-Compactness of Squares (with Heike Mildenberger), submitted (with Definition 1.1 fixed here). [pdf]
- "On Namba Forcing and Minimal Collapses", submitted. [pdf]
- "Distinguishing Internally Club and Approachable on an Infinite Interval" (with Hannes Jakob), to appear in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. [pdf]
- "Classical Namba Forcing Can Have the Weak Countable Approximation Property", submitted version (differs from the arXiv version). [pdf]
- "On Disjoint Stationary Sequences", to appear in Pacific Journal of Mathematics. [pdf]
- "Unthreadability with Small Conditions", submitted and revised in January 2024 (differs from the arXiv version). [pdf]
- "On Compactness of Weak Square at Singulars of Uncountable Cofinality", to appear in Journal of Symbolic Logic. [pdf]
- "Distributivity and Minimality in Perfect Tree Forcings for Singular Cardinals" (with Heike Mildenberger), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 261L 541-588, 2024. [pdf]
- "Trees and Stationary Reflection at Double Successors of Regular Cardinals" (with Thomas Gilton and Šárka Stejskalová), Journal of Symbolic Logic, 88(2): 780-810, 2023. [arxiv/link]
- "Patterns of Stationary Reflection" (with Sy-David Friedman), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 249(1):1-35, 2022. [pdf/link]
- "Squares and Uncountably Singularized Cardinals" (with Dima Sinapova), Fundamenta Mathematicae, 253(3):277-296, 2021. [pdf/link]
- "Partitioning a Reflecting Stationary Set" (with Assaf Rinot), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 148(8):3551-3565, 2020. [pdf/link]
- "The Semi-Weak Square Principle", Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 170(11):102713, 2019. [pdf/link]
- "Stationary Sets Added When Forcing Squares", Archive for Mathematical Logic, 57(7):909-916, 2018. [pdf/link]
- "Weak Squares and Very Good Scales", Journal of Symbolic Logic, 83(1):1-12, 2018. [link]
- The website for my Winter 2024-2025 course, Set Theory and Independence Proofs, can be found here.
- The University of Freiburg, I have taught short courses in Large Cardinals in Set Theory (notes), Models of Peano Arithmetic, and Descriptive Set Theory (notes), and Applications of Set Theory (notes). I have also tutored student seminars in Ramsey Theory, Knot Theory, Cryptography, Representation Theory, Algebraic Topology, and Differential Topology.
- At the University of Illinois at Chicago, I taught a number of courses including: Intermediate Algebra, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Calculus for Business, and Elementary Linear Algebra.
Contact Information
- postal:
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Mathematisches Institut
Ernst-Zermelo-Straße 1
79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
- email: maxwell(dot)levine(at)mathematik(dot)uni-freiburg(dot)de
- office: 311
© 2015-present Maxwell Levine