Dr. Mihai Prunescu
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Mathematisches Institut
Abteilung für Mathematische Logik
Eckerstr. 1
79104 Freiburg
Sprechstunden: Täglich, 19.00 - 20.30; und nach Vereinbarung.
- SS05: Algorithmic Information Theory
- WS04-05: Algebraic Codes
- SS04: Quantum Computing
- WS03-04: Unit cost complexity over algebraic structures
Born at 24.11.1967, 17.55, Bucharest, Romania.
1992 Diploma in Mathematics, University Bucharest.
1992 Accepted in the Institute of Mathematical Research "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Academy.
1998 PhD, University Konstanz, Germany. "A structural approach to diophantine definability".
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Prestel.
1999 - 2003 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, University Greifswald, Germany.
2003 - 2005 D.F.G. Post-Doc Grant, University Freiburg, Germany.
Since 2006 Software developer, Brain Products GmbH, Freiburg, Germany.
December 15, 2011, Bucharest: The group of articles on recurrence and substituion, starting with the article Mihai Prunescu: Self-similar carpets over finite fields, European Journal of Combinatorics, 30, 4, 866 - 878, 2009;
was awarded with the Gheorghe Tzitzeica Prize of the Romanian Academy.
- Reviewer for MathRev and for Zentralblatt Mathematik.
- Most homeomorphisms of the circle are semi-periodic.
(joint work with Gheorghe Craciun, Paul Horja and Tudor Zamfirescu)
Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 64, 452 - 459, 1995. pdf
- A structural approach to diophantine definability.
Konstanzer Dissertationen, Hartungs-Gorre Verlag Konstanz, 1998. pdf
- Defining constant polynomials.
Contemporary Mathematics 270, 139 - 145, 2000. pdf
- P \neq NP for the reals with various analytic functions.
Journal of Complexity 17, 1, 17 - 26, 2001. pdf
- Non-effective quantifier elimination.
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47, 4, 557 - 561, 2001. pdf
- An isomorphism between monoids of external embeddings - about definability in arithmetic.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 67, 2, 598 - 620, 2002. pdf
- A model-theoretic proof for P \neq NP over all infinite abelian groups.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 67, 1, 235 - 238, 2002. pdf
- Diophantine properties of finite commutative rings.
Archive for Mathematical Logic 42, 3, 293 - 302, 2003. pdf
- P \neq NP for all infinte boolean algebras.
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49, 2, 210 - 213, 2003. pdf
- Symmetric Subset-Sum over the complex numbers.
"Algorithmic Algebra and Logic", Proceedings of the A3L Conference, Passau 2005.
Dolzmann, Seidl, Sturm (Eds.) ISBN: 3-8334-2669-1. 201 - 207, 2005. pdf
- Two situations with unit-cost: ordered abelian semi-groups and some commutative rings.
Journal of Complexity 21, 4, 579-592, 2005. pdf
- Undecidable and decidable restrictions of Hilbert's Tenth Problem: images of polynomials vs.
images of exponential functions.
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52, 1, 14 - 19, 2006. pdf
- Structure with fast elimination of quantifiers.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 71, 321 -328, 2006. pdf
- Fast quantifier elimination means P = NP.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3988, 459 - 470, 2006. pdf
- Concrete algebraic cohomology of the group (R,+)
CUBO Mathematical Journal, 9, 3, 39 - 45, 2007. pdf
Symmetric functions over finite fields.
Preprint 2008. pdf
Undecidable properties of recurrent double sequences.
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 49, 2, 143 - 151, 2008. pdf
Self-similar carpets over finite fields.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 30, 4, 866 - 878, 2009. pdf
Recurrent double sequences that can be produced by
context-free substitutions.
Fractals, 18, 1, 65 - 73, 2010. pdf
Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions.
Fractals, 19, 4, 431 - 442, 2011. pdf
Linear recurrent double sequences in M_2(F_2) are classified according to their geometric content.
Symmetry, 3, 3, 402 - 442, 2011. pdf
The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures.
Comptes Rendus - Mathematique 349, 939-942, 2011. pdf
Fp-affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 34, 2, 260 - 284, 2013. pdf
A two-valued recurrent double sequence that is not automatic.
Preprint 2012. Revision 2013. pdf
Sign-reductions, p-adic valuations, binomial coefficients modulo p^k and triangular symmetries.
Preprint 2012. pdf