Dr. Mihai Prunescu

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Mathematisches Institut
Abteilung für Mathematische Logik
Eckerstr. 1
79104 Freiburg

Zimmer: 306
Telefon: 0761 / 203 - 5606
Fax: 0761 / 203 - 5608
E-Post:  Mihai.Prunescu@math.uni-freiburg.de

Sprechstunden: Täglich, 19.00 - 20.30; und nach Vereinbarung.




Research interests


  1. Most homeomorphisms of the circle are semi-periodic. (joint work with Gheorghe Craciun, Paul Horja and Tudor Zamfirescu)
    Archiv der Mathematik (Basel) 64, 452 - 459, 1995. pdf
  2. A structural approach to diophantine definability.
    Konstanzer Dissertationen, Hartungs-Gorre Verlag Konstanz, 1998. pdf
  3. Defining constant polynomials.
    Contemporary Mathematics 270, 139 - 145, 2000. pdf
  4. P \neq NP for the reals with various analytic functions.
    Journal of Complexity 17, 1, 17 - 26, 2001. pdf
  5. Non-effective quantifier elimination.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 47, 4, 557 - 561, 2001. pdf
  6. An isomorphism between monoids of external embeddings - about definability in arithmetic.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 67, 2, 598 - 620, 2002. pdf
  7. A model-theoretic proof for P \neq NP over all infinite abelian groups.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 67, 1, 235 - 238, 2002. pdf
  8. Diophantine properties of finite commutative rings.
    Archive for Mathematical Logic 42, 3, 293 - 302, 2003. pdf
  9. P \neq NP for all infinte boolean algebras.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49, 2, 210 - 213, 2003. pdf
  10. Symmetric Subset-Sum over the complex numbers.
    "Algorithmic Algebra and Logic", Proceedings of the A3L Conference, Passau 2005. Dolzmann, Seidl, Sturm (Eds.) ISBN: 3-8334-2669-1. 201 - 207, 2005. pdf
  11. Two situations with unit-cost: ordered abelian semi-groups and some commutative rings.
    Journal of Complexity 21, 4, 579-592, 2005. pdf
  12. Undecidable and decidable restrictions of Hilbert's Tenth Problem: images of polynomials vs. images of exponential functions.
    Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52, 1, 14 - 19, 2006. pdf
  13. Structure with fast elimination of quantifiers.
    Journal of Symbolic Logic 71, 321 -328, 2006. pdf
  14. Fast quantifier elimination means P = NP.
    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3988, 459 - 470, 2006. pdf
  15. Concrete algebraic cohomology of the group (R,+)
    CUBO Mathematical Journal, 9, 3, 39 - 45, 2007. pdf
  16. Symmetric functions over finite fields.
    Preprint 2008. pdf
  17. Undecidable properties of recurrent double sequences.
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 49, 2, 143 - 151, 2008. pdf
  18. Self-similar carpets over finite fields.
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 30, 4, 866 - 878, 2009. pdf
  19. Recurrent double sequences that can be produced by context-free substitutions.
    Fractals, 18, 1, 65 - 73, 2010. pdf
  20. Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions.
    Fractals, 19, 4, 431 - 442, 2011. pdf
  21. Linear recurrent double sequences in M_2(F_2) are classified according to their geometric content.
    Symmetry, 3, 3, 402 - 442, 2011. pdf
  22. The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures.
    Comptes Rendus - Mathematique 349, 939-942, 2011. pdf
  23. Fp-affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic.
    European Journal of Combinatorics, 34, 2, 260 - 284, 2013. pdf
  24. A two-valued recurrent double sequence that is not automatic.
    Preprint 2012. Revision 2013. pdf
  25. Sign-reductions, p-adic valuations, binomial coefficients modulo p^k and triangular symmetries.
    Preprint 2012. pdf